I've been toying around with the idea of building a greenhouse. It started out as desire for a greenhouse "someday", to the need for a hotbed over the lettuces in the newly constructed raised bed. Now I envision a greenhouse instead, and off we go. I have decided to use recycled tree stakes for the framing material.
Paint is a great program to throw around ideas and work out the design. The idea is to construct it so that it can receive plastic but also looks good without plastic, and would look great with vining vegetables growing all over it, hence the green room. That was the criteria. Today I bought some
incidentals, drill bits, screws, and they ran about $20.00. (Excuse me, that stuff was
supposed to fall from the sky.) I'll have to purchase 5 -10 foot posts and they'll run about $35.00. (Apparently they were to fall from the sky too.) No problem, if I can't get plastic right away, I'll be closer to the goal, and there is no pressure. It's all about having leeway and enjoying the process.
With the design on paper, I needed to map out the existing items into the scheme of things. I rigged this set up so that I could determine the placement and width of the door. The height of the structure will equal the
block wall, the doorway is to the left of the black pot, and the right side of the structure will just exceed the barrels.
Another element that came into play is that the site is sloped. This required a little more engineering, as the posts are different lengths. I'm setting the posts in cement to
strenghten the wall and to ward off the strong winds. The design for the greenhouse is the one on the upper right of the Paint program. The construction should go
alot faster now, as this part seemed to take forever. Tomorrow I will take down the braces, and it will be a door with a side wall.
Thanks for visiting! To all of my gardening friends, carry on and hurry back!