Monday, August 24, 2009

Mining Rocks

With 10 minutes on the timer before the chicken was done, I'm out tearing up the main bed trying to locate the irrigation line that was buried 7 inches below the surface well over 2 years ago. This bed has needed to be reworked. It's no easy task at 7:00 in the evening, but no worries, I've got my trusty pickax and I'll be done in no time! Pickaxes are the way to garden here on Black Mountain. So what's my dirt like you ask? Until I can come up with a better description, I'd say it could pass for a drive-in movie parking lot.

As I plug along, every rock I find gets chucked in the rock holding beds that are located around the property.
Lightly popping them off the wall and they drop right in place.

I don't think I'll ever get to that place where I am not mining rocks. I'll just be doing it less because of the switch to raised beds.
Thanks for visiting! To all of my gardening friends, Carry On and Hurry Back!

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